Monday, January 21, 2008

There goes the Brinchang neighbourhood

There goes the Brinchang neighbourhood
Monday January 21, 2008

LAST month, the main road in Brinchang town in the Cameron Highlands was changed to a one-way street. So was Jalan Muhibbah, which leads to a housing area.

We, the people who live at the housing area, have lost the quietness we used to enjoy.

Jalan Muhibbah has now become a main road where every single vehicle comes through. We are now given morning calls so very early every day.

Brinchang is also losing its customers because traffic is not going through the town.

Can somebody please do something about this change which is doing nothing to improve the living condition of the people here?

Rather than making streets one-way, why not give us more street lights? Plant more flowers and improve the cleanliness.

Brinchang, Pahang.

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