Saturday, December 25, 2010

Something Humorous, how can forget...?

All systems go
Saturday December 25, 2010

We love Cameron Highlands and have been there a couple of times on family holidays.

The last time we were there, we drove up to see one of the tea plantations. When it was time to go home, my son and I got in the front seat. My wife put my daughter (then four years old) at the back, and when the door slammed shut, I drove off.

As I was driving off, I heard shouting. Looking into the side and rear mirror, I couldn’t see anything. As we drove down from the tea plantation, my eight-year-old suddenly said, “Pa, mummy not in the car!”

Shocked, I turned around, and sure enough, she was nowhere in sight. I quickly made a U-turn and went back up again and there she was walking down the slope.

We did not know whether to be angry or to laugh. It was a mixture of both emotions. What happened was my wife closed the door after putting our little girl in the back and was walking to the other side when I drove off!

We still have a good laugh about the incident. It was still a great holiday despite my leaving my wife behind.

Chor Ming Chong
Petaling Jaya, Selangor

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